How Do We Live Life Unlimited & in the Essence of Wholeness? What Hinders Us From Freedom?

I believe this to be a very significant question and if you can find the right answers “for you,” you can live a life of wholeness and freedom. Have you ever wondered why so many people spend their time thinking on and focusing their attention on things that don’t go right for them rather than all the things that actually do go right? They spend an inordinate amount of time thinking about and talking about who hurt their feelings, who offended them, who didn’t do what they wanted them to do. It’s okay to have the thought but not to prolong it by adding fuel to the already existing fire which you allowed someone to light in your soul.
We live in a society that thrives on bad news, bad press, bad relationships, bad, bad, bad! But we have the ability to change that. We have the ability to choose to live a life of wholeness, without limitations, without the stress and anxiety that plagues a large majority of people. The operative word here is “choose.” Our entire life hinges on the choices we make. If you’re one who’s been “choosing” to make bad decisions, STOP!! That’s right, just stop it. That signifies bad behavior, a bad attitude, a bad thought life. Look at the choices you’ve made or about to make and ask yourself “will this decision bear good fruit or bad fruit?”
What do I mean by “good” fruit? Good fruit tastes good, is palatable, makes you feel good, energizes you, gives you clarity of mind. Here are a few definitions of the word “fruitfulness:”
The British Dictionary:
(1) bearing fruit in abundance; (2) producing or prolific, esp. in bearing offspring; (3) causing or assisting prolific growth; (4) producing results or profits.
Free Online Dictionary: (1) Producing fruit, especially in abundance; (2) producing offspring, especially in abundance; (3) Capable of producing vegetation: fruitful soil; (4) Producing useful or desired results; productive.
So, are you productive? Are your thoughts productive, bearing good fruit?
This Biblical passage from Matthew 12: 33-37 sums it up: "Either make the tree good and its fruit good, or make the tree bad and its fruit bad; for the tree is known by its fruit. "You brood of vipers, how can you, being evil, speak what is good? For the mouth speaks out of that which fills the heart. "The good man brings out of his good treasure what is good; and the evil man brings out of his evil treasure what is evil." But I tell you that every careless word that people speak, they shall give an accounting for it in the day of judgment. "For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned."
Okay, so now how do we live in our Essence of Wholeness? Taking off the shackles over our mind, living life unlimited? Think and speak only fruitful words (productive, producing useful or desired results) over yourself and others. We make the choice of what comes out of the abundance of our heart, either bad or good fruit/words. I like that phrase “bearing fruit in abundance.” So energize your mind; change your life; change your attitude about life; endeavor to only release life thoughts bringing you into the abundance of life that has already been commissioned for you even before your birth. Isn’t that an awesome thought? To know that you have the power to produce good fruit which will change your entire life to a successful, fruitful, and productive life. CHOOSE LIFE!