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Doctor Gayle's Corner

Personal Toxicity - Part 3

Well friends this will be my third and final thoughts on the devastating effects of toxic behaviors and their effects on our personal relationships. One of the things that always excites me is when I know I’ve moved to the next level – in my thinking processes, my emotions, and my responses to people. What excites me even more is knowing that I’ve helped someone else move forward on their destiny journey. Growth is the number one key to transformation. If we don’t see growth in our lives, then we almost certainly cannot experience transformation in our thinking; or a better way of putting it is, if we don’t see transformation in our thinking we most certainly will not see growth. So ask yourself have these posts simply been another exercise in reading, or have they caused you to ponder and explore your own personal contaminants? My desire is to inspire and motivate you to want to move up higher in your thinking behavior.

I often receive phone calls from people who seem to be stuck and unable to move forward. They have been referred by someone who knows my work and/or have experienced breakthrough as a result of a personal one on one encounter with me. Most of the time they’re struggling with trying to understand why they’re stuck. Often people don’t have a clue that they’re stuck at all, and are pretty comfortable where they are. Toxicity is one of those hidden contaminates that you don’t really recognize it’s there until mental, emotional or physical illness appears. And then of course our first line of defense is to blame it on either something in our generational bloodline, (which often is the case) or somebody else made me respond the way I do. However, when we honestly examine our thoughts and behavior we eventually realize it’s something we’ve pretty much allowed to fester in our subconscious minds, which of course automatically permeates our entire cellular system.

Toxic behaviors most definitely will keep you at a standstill. You may actually think you’re moving forward, only to discover you’re rehearsing the same old emotional habits that you’ve been rehearsing year after year. Finally, someone cares enough about you to tell you “you need help!” Let me suggest that you go back and reread these last few posts and ask yourself the questions I’ve posed. This time really examine your emotional behavior, your relationships, your progress in moving forward or the lack thereof. Ask yourself, “Am I comfortable where I am? Do I enjoy where I am? Can I improve where I am?” Those three questions should help spur you to take action to do better and to be better.

So I ask myself: “Am I comfortable where I am?” I must admit that I actually really do like myself, and am quite comfortable with myself; and needless to say I absolutely love what I do to help others feel the same. However, can I improve myself? Absolutely!! And I work on myself daily. To change my thoughts means that it is a daily practice. Because we seem to revert back into old patterns of thinking. I know many of the motivational and positive thinking gurus have been telling us for years that if we do something for 21 days consecutively we’ll automatically change a bad habit. That maybe so for them, or may even have worked well for you. Maybe your issues may not have been as severe as my own. For me it has required way more than a mere 21 days to change some bad behaviors which I’ve been practicing for 30, 40, or even 50 years. So changing my bad behavior has indeed been a process, one which I continue to practice day in and day out. Eventually it has become, and still becoming new positive behavior, like learning how to respond differently when I’m under attack rather than react. I no longer practice in my mind what I’m going to say to a person, while waiting for them to call with bad press. I automatically expect the very best out of people even if I know they struggle with giving their very best. I’ve learned how to give people room to grow, just as I’ve had room, and not expect them to be at the level I’ve gotten to, (or getting to) while they still don’t know there is a next level. Make sense? I’ve thrown away that proverbial box that limits us to move forward. “No more limits!”

I’ve chosen to remain free and not be controlled by others’ toxic behaviors. And like the saying goes freedom ain’t free! There is a cost. But I promise, when you become forever free, you will never ever ever, want to go back to being in bondage.

Why not join me on this freedom journey. Make a decision to rid yourself of the toxic poisons you’ve carried around in your subconscious mind and your cellular system most of your life, dictating your actions, your personal space, your body, and your relationships.


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