My passion and greatest desire is to help transform the lives of people as my own life has been powerfully transformed over time. You will find that my books, teachings and counsel convey that passion in a manner I know and trust will equip you in your own transformation.
From Doctor Gayle's Heart to Yours
Doctor Gayle has been my mentor, counselor, teacher and spiritual mom for almost 19 years, and my life continues to be enriched by her transforming wisdom and purpose-driven strategies ~ "Linda Michelle Trainer, President and CEO" of Elegant Doves International.
From Doctor Gayle's Heart to Yours
Transform your life as you change your thoughts. A key to wholeness is found in this simple yet profound truth.
along with other books written by Doctor Gayle
The Whole Soul
Our Services
Touching Souls, Impacting Lives
Mental Health & Emotional Healing
Everybody experiences a breakdown in their emotional wellbeing at one time or another in their lifetime, whether it is related to a childhood trauma, a broken relationship or marriage, the hurt and woundedness of a disloyal friend, the loss of a job or change in career, or even the stress of moving across country unexpectedly. Sometimes as individuals we’re simply not equipped to handle the many disappointments brought on by life’s many, many upheavals.
Personal Development & Life Coaching
Having spent three decades developing and continually improving her own personal attitude towards life, and ever changing and evolving into her destiny call, Doctor Gayle has a winning attitude to never, ever give up. Her thought provoking philosophy is that each of us are created to win. She has studied the architectural design of the lives of hundreds of self motivated, successful, and inspirational leaders, gleaning significant elements to continue improving herself, while assisting others to do the same.
Conferences & Workshops
Doctor Gayle provides cutting edge information to help bring you into your full identity. Our team members can assist you in team building, business planning, training, and mentorship.
Our seminars are designed to equip you with the relevant tools for you and or your team to be effective, productive and successful!
Dr. Gayle's Corner
"So, you have to determine (make a decision) whether to engage or disengage with toxic thoughts and language. Although I have practiced watching my words for over 40 years, the reality was I found myself still engaging in negative thoughts/conversations – whether using internal dialogue or communicating with others. It has now been many years since I made the decision to simply disengage from toxic behavior."
Click below to read the full blog post by Doctor Gayle.

Engage or Disengage?
More from Dr. Gayle
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